LIVE SOON! June 26th - June 29th @ 1:00 PM EST

Attention Online Coaches!!

Attention Online Coaches!!

Flood Your Coaching Business with Dream Clients Without having to become a marketing pro!

This 4-Day Challenge Starts In:

Don't Wait! Registration Closes Soon!

Flood Your Coaching Business

with Dream Clients Without having to become a marketing pro!

LIVE! June 26th - June 29th @ 1:00 PM EST

Don't Wait! Registration Closes Soon!

This 4-Day Challenge Starts In:


Cool down this summer by joining us in This refreshing LIVE Challenge...

4 Days, Just 60 Minutes A Day

The ClientWave Masterclass Will Walk You Through Step-By-Step How to

Drown in Coaching clients With This New Opportunity!!

Everything In Just 4 Days?

Yes, Here's Our Agenda:

The ClientWave Masterclass Will Walk You Through Step-By-Step How to drown in coaching clients!

Here's What You

will Learn:


Flip the switch


Flip the switch

Let's Get Started...

  • You Deserve More - Our Mission

  • The Reason Why Getting Clients Is So Hard For You

  • Reprogram Your Mind To Become A Doer

  • Who Are You? Why Should Anyone Trust You?

After Day 1 you will have more confidence in yourself and your coaching business in order to be in a position to attract your dream clients. I know you want to skip this part, but believe me it's worth it...

Let's Get Started...

  • You Deserve More - Our Mission

  • The Reason Why Getting Clients Is So Hard For You

  • Reprogram Your Mind To Become A Doer

  • Who Are You? Why Should Anyone Trust You?

After Day 1 you will have more confidence in yourself and your coaching business in order to be in a position to attract your dream clients.

I know you want to skip this part, but believe me it's worth it...


Marketing secrets


Marketing Secrets

Let Us Open Your Eyes...

  • Fundamental Marketing Frameworks For Success Online

  • Why You Don't Need A Website

  • The Secret Shortcut To Getting Clients

Whatever you thought good marketing would look like, after Day 2 you will have a new understanding of marketing as an online coach and maybe even hate it a little less...

Let Us Open Your Eyes...

  • Fundamental Marketing Frameworks For Success Online

  • Why You Don't Need A Website

  • The Secret Shortcut To Getting Clients

Whatever you thought good marketing would look like, after Day 2 you will have a new understanding of

marketing as an online coach and maybe even hate it a little less...


Your Biggest opportunity


Your Biggest Opportunity

your Coaching Business Is About To change...

  • Revealing The Secret Strategy

  • Crush Your Competition Through Value-Based Marketing

  • Why There Are No Excuses Left To Be A Don'ter

Yes, after Day 3 you will finally get to know the 'secret strategy' we always talked about before. This really might be your biggest opportunity yet...

your Coaching Business Is About To change...

  • Revealing The Secret Strategy

  • Crush Your Competition Through Value-Based Marketing

  • Why There Are No Excuses Left To Be A Don'ter

Yes, after Day 3 you will finally get to know the 'secret strategy' we always talked about before.

This really might be your biggest opportunity yet...


You're about to drown in clients


You're About to drown in clients!

The Final Day...

  • Step-By-Step Guide To Implement The Secret Strategy

  • Get Exclusive Insights On How We Use This Method

  • Put On Your Swim Vest And Prepare For The Client Wave

After Day 4 you will have an exact roadmap with simple, actionable steps to implement the secret strategy in your coaching business right away. Awesome, I know...

If you watched every challenge day including this one, you better prepare your coaching business to be flooded with dream clients...

Let Us Open Your Eyes...

  • Fundamental Marketing Frameworks For Success Online

  • Why You Don't Need A Website

  • The Secret Shortcut To Getting Clients

Whatever you thought good marketing would look like, after Day 2 you will have a new understanding of

marketing as an online coach and maybe even hate it a little less...

What Are You Waiting For?

If you are reading this, you are probably not where you're supposed to be with your online coaching business, not having the positive impact in the world you are meant to have and financially free.

You are stressed about getting new clients, but feel like everything you try is just a waste of time since you have no clear path to follow. You didn't want to become an online coach just to spend your time doing marketing. You just want to be a coach and change lives! That's what we are here for.

We cut through the bullshit of marketing lies and give you only what works for online coaches and only what you need to implement in order to get coaching clients!

Now you have two choices: You can either leave this page and stay a Don'ter or you can join this challenge and become the Doer that finally takes action and gets results instead of making excuses. It is your choice.

You have nothing to lose, it is 100% FREE!

What Are You Waiting For?

If you are reading this, you are probably not where you're supposed to be with your online coaching business, not having the positive impact in the world you are meant to have and not financially free.

You are stressed about getting new clients, but feel like everything you try is just a waste of time since you have no clear path to follow.

You didn't want to become an online coach just to spend your time doing marketing. You just want to be a coach and change lives!

That's what we are here for.

We cut through the bullshit of

marketing lies and give you only what works for online coaches and only what you need to implement in order to get coaching clients!

Now you have two choices: You can either leave this page and stay a Don'ter or you can join this challenge and become the Doer that finally takes action and gets results instead of making excuses. It is your choice. You have nothing to lose, it is 100% FREE!

Ready To Finally Become A Doer This Summer?

What Can you Expect?

Before The Challenge

  • You hate marketing

  • You have a scarcity mindset

  • Getting coaching clients online seems impossible to you

  • You procrastinate taking action

After The Challenge

  • You hate marketing less

  • You have an abundance mindset

  • You understand exactly what you need to do in order to get coaching clients online

  • You finally take action and follow a clear path

Ready To Finally Become A Doer This Summer?

What CAN You expect? 

Before The Challenge

  • You hate marketing

  • You have a scarcity mindset

  • Getting coaching clients online seems impossible to you

  • You procrastinate taking action

After The Challenge

  • You hate marketing less

  • You have an abundance mindset

  • You understand exactly what you need to do in order to get coaching clients online

  • You finally take action and follow a clear path

Here’s Everything You Get...

...When You Sign Up For The ClientWave masterclass!

  • FREE! 4 days LIVE Masterclass with Josha & Flynn. Each day we will bring you closer to the goal of finally making a bigger impact with your coaching business and becoming financially free!

  • FREE! ​Access to our private 'ClientWave' Challenge community, where you can share your wins, ask questions, collect more insights and start life changing conversations with like minded people!

  • FREE! ​Get our 'ClientWave' Workbook that will give you interactive exercises and homework assignments to implement your new learnings right away. This workbook alone is worth it to join the challenge...

Normally: $1997 Value

Today: 100% FREE!


4-Day Virtual Event: 'ClientWave Masterclass' Challenge!


Monday 26th - Thursday 29th Of June @ 1:00 PM EST


Because We Are Here To Create Waves Of Positive Impact All Around The World!

Here’s Everything You Get...

...When You Sign Up For

The ClientWave Masterclass!

  • FREE! 4-day LIVE Masterclass with Josha & Flynn. Each day we will bring you closer to the goal of finally making a bigger impact with your coaching business and becoming financially free!

  • ​FREE! ​Access to our private 'ClientWave' Challenge community, where you can share your wins, ask questions, collect more insights and start life changing conversations with like minded people!

  • FREE! Get our 'ClientWave' Workbook that will give you interactive exercises and homework assignments to implement your new learnings right away. This workbook alone is worth it to join the challenge...

Normally: $1,997 Value

Today: 100% FREE!


4-Day Virtual Event: 'ClientWave Masterclass' Challenge!


Monday, June 26th -

Friday, June 29th

@ 1:00 PM EST


Because We Are Here To Create Waves Of Positive Impact All Around The World!

Can you swim...?

...Because you are about to drown in coaching clients!

Join The ClientWave Masterclass For Free - Before It's Too Late!

This 4-Day Challenge Starts In:


Who is this challenge for?

This 4-day challenge is exclusively for online coaches (any niche) who are struggling to get clients online.

Who is this challenge not for?

Anyone who isn't an online coach or online coaches that already know they won't take action after this 4-day masterclass shouldn't attend this event, as it would just be just a waste of time for them. We call those people 'Don'ters'... And I hope you're not one of them!

How does this challenge work?

We will go live in our private Facebook group each challenge day for 1 hour. If you can't attend the Facebook live stream, you will get lifetime access to the recordings. You will also get access to a phenomenal workbook so you can work alongside each lesson and get the most out of it.

You will also have the chance to attend another 45 minutes Q&A and coaching session after each lesson.

Is this event 100% FREE?

Yes, 4 value-packed days - for FREE! (I know, I can't believe it either!)

Do I even need marketing as an online coach?

Not if you are okay with never actually becoming financially free and truly make a positive impact. Our approach is really simple, yet effective. And to set the expectations straight, we can only give you the game plan, you have to execute! So of course you still have to put in some work afterwards (no magic pill invented yet...)

Will I actually drown?

No, of course not! We will provide you with all the tools you need to stay on top of the client wave...

Also Flynn is a professionally trained lifeguard, so don't worry!

Can you swim...?

...Because You

Are About to

drown in clients!

Join The ClientWave Masterclass

For Free - Before It's Too Late!

This 4-Day Challenge Starts In:


Who is the challenge for?

This 4-day challenge is exclusively for online coaches (any niche) who are struggling to get clients online.

Who is the challenge not for?

Anyone who isn't an online coach or online coaches that already know they won't take action after this 4-day masterclass shouldn't attend this event, as it would just be just a waste of time for them.

We call those people 'Don'ters'...

And I hope you're not one of them!

Is this challenge 100% FREE?

Yes, 4 value-packed days - for FREE! (I know, I can't believe it either!)

How does this challenge work?

We will go live in our private Facebook group each challenge day for 1 hour. If you can't attend the Facebook live stream, you will get lifetime access to the recordings. You will also get access to a phenomenal workbook so you can work alongside each lesson and get the most out of it.You will also have the chance to attend another 45 minutes Q&A and coaching session after each lesson.

Do I even need Marketing as an online coach?

Not if you are okay with never actually becoming financially free and truly make a positive impact.

Our approach is really simple, yet effective.

And to set the expectations straight, we can only give you the game plan, you have to execute! So of course you still have to put in some work afterwards (no magic pill invented yet...)

Will I actually drown?

No, of course not! We will provide you with all the tools you need to stay on top of the client wave... Also Flynn is a professionally trained lifeguard, so don't worry!

© 2023 Booked Consulting | All Rights Reserved

© 2023 Booked Consulting | All Rights Reserved